Johnson & Johnson

Pedal to Empower

Pedal to Empower


Our Distance Goal


866 KM

Our goal

0 KM

Johnson & Johnson Team Registration Links

Hello Team,

Thanks everyone for your support. Please follow the link below to sign up for our 5th Annual Virtual Bike Event so that you can be placed on a team.

We look forward to riding with you all virtually!


Erik Hutchinson
Raynham AALC Co-Lead
Johnson & Johnson

We're pedaling to empower women and girls around the world.

Join us for an adventure on two wheels.

We are excited to help change lives through the Power of Bicycles! Together, we are raising funds and awareness for World Bicycle Relief, a global nonprofit organization committed to helping individuals overcome the barrier of distance in developing communities around the world.

If you want to pedal along, click 'Join the Team' and be a part of the fun. If you want to support with a donation, you will be helping get more women and girls on bikes in countries around the world to achieve independence and thrive. Every donation makes a difference, and a contribution of $165 USD helps put a brand-new Buffalo Bicycle into the hands of a person in need!

Come join the squad!

team-work [teem-wurk] noun

1. A cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group of persons acting together as a team or in the interest of a common cause.

Thank you to our donors


Gifty Adjei


Patricia Bugaj




Linda Taylor

You go girl!! Love you!


Beth Mooney


Laura Sagaard




Alison Bunting


Sarah Adebambo

Go Team!


Joshua Lun


Bart Cannegieter


Mike T


Danielle Siebenkaess


Erik Sojka


Courtney Sikes


Culm Long


Judi Hoydicz


Eric Jackson




Sonya Meheux